Saturday, April 20, 2013

Basement Bummer...

Boy did we have some rain in Illinois.  We woke up to a basement floor full of water. Big fat bummer.
So did a zillion other people, so it took an entire day to get some service people out here.  Looks like the damage is more than in the carpet (which has been replaced due to water damage once before.) This time it soaked in to the baseboards and bottom of some drywall.   Here's what we're dealing with...

*imagine a strange smell while admiring my photos...  

Of course, i'm mostly freaked out about all of the traffic on my fancy newly stained floors...

While we're thinking about it, here is some basement inspiration...for those or you that HAVE basements.

Vallone Design



Castle Design

Liz Caan

Coastal Living 

Situation at Hand Blog

Luckily (or un-luckily) we don't need to replace any furniture.  Hopefully I'll get a big dumpster in my driveway and I can have a forced spring cleaning!

Having a bummer week here in the midwestern in your back pocket.
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1 comment:

  1. love how you deal with bummer basement.... get on line and find fun photos of cool basements!! betcha had a big cup of joe in your hands while you looked:) sorry for the damage!!


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