Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am an organizational hoarder

Okay, I am NOT this type of Hoarder...
but I am an organizational hoarder, this is my organizational graveyard...
My hubby had moved my bins and baskets so many times he was on brink of a meltdown...
Does the goodwill even want this stuff or do I just pitch it?
 I love to buy stuff to get myself organized, it makes me feel like I am in control in a chaotic world...
 and sometimes I overdo it:) and there was a "BIN-TERVENTION" on the Nate Show today
and I could totally relate, I was even looking out the window to see if they were coming for me!:)
 BUT.. I recently bought
this from Ballard Designs to keep my girls homework folders in and I LOVE IT!
They used to come home and everything ended up on the island, so I decided to make what once was a dumping table (our old kitchen table) into a homework table and I also bought this from Ikea for the "Homework Nook"
It has only been a few days but it has been working like a charm...
this is how it turned out...
for less than $100 I feel like I have given this space a function! WOO HOO!
put a little functional organization in your back pocket...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I looove this! Your homework corner looks so great!


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